For the past couple of weeks, this light has come on 5 or 6 times while driving. OF COURSE, my emergency brake is not on, and if I simply touch the emergency brake handle, or give it a little wiggle, the light (and beeper) go off. Internet said it could be low brake fluid, but I took it to Kal-Tire today and they said the brake fluid was fine. The mechanic thought that something might have slipped down the sometime loose flap in the passenger compartment (like some crumbs from a bran muffin or???? and compacted in the mechanism.
Because this is happening only every third day or so, and stops immediately I touch the emergency brake handle, should I worry about it (that is, take it into the dealer)??? Thanks for any advice.
2015 Micra doing great otherwise. Was up to 140 (not deliberately, just ended up there) on the TransCanada Banff to Kamloops last week. Didn't want to stay at that speed, but can do it if necessary. 72,000 kms on this vehicle now.
ALSO - just a little story. The original car battery died about 3 months after I got the car in October 2014. I am still on the replacement battery they installed -- and every time I have the oil changed, I have the battery checked and it is A-OK. Surprising.