Here's a quick overview of an LED conversion kit I got for the K13 by BPS Lighting. It is not an expensive kit but not a cheap one either, these conversion bulbs come with drivers and was an easy plug and play install.
I had the chance of trying them out for the past week and a half, I can say they live up to their specs.
Bellow is a small editorial of the kit.
The bulbs themselves house the newest LED tech available in the market by Philips, the lumileds ZE S which are suppose to mimic the lighting output and position of stock Halogen bulbs. This element helps provide a proper beam pattern with minimum glare.
Attachment 4462
Installation is quite easy and what makes this particular model great is that the heat sink is unscrewable and therefore enables fitment of the stock dust cap. Some kits out there do not have that feature and require making a custom dust cap to seal the headlamp assembly.
Attachment 4463
The drivers are waterproof and quite small so they only require a zip tie to be attached soemwhere in the engine compartment.
P.S on a side note, because I wanted to have DLR's on my car, it is recommended to buy the H4 CANBUS module which is basically a resistor to dim down the DLR's since they run on the high beams.
Attachment 4464
Here's the Low Beam pattern next to the stock Halogens (Osram made).
The cut-off line line is quite good and mimics the beam pattern of the Halogens.
Attachment 4465
High beam bellow, again with proper beam pattern diffusion. Quite satisfied considering the affordable price.
Attachment 4466
Installation is quite easy (plug and play) took about 30mins to get the harness properly placed in the engine compartment. Here is the right Side.
Attachment 4460
A picture of the DRL's during the day, installed.
Attachment 4461