so when i trimmed the ears,it cut the stitching, i tried to sew through the now existing holes, it didn't look too bad at all on one side but i couldn't get the other side so after 3 hrs i gave up....
Type: Posts; User: MrMicra2015
so when i trimmed the ears,it cut the stitching, i tried to sew through the now existing holes, it didn't look too bad at all on one side but i couldn't get the other side so after 3 hrs i gave up....
hmmmm.... i came..... but i have an S so no "place" to stuff floppy ears of radio controls because i dont have an insert in wheel. and it looks like a nitemare of sewing
i'm a player at that price...
I bought it!!! fingers crossed!
ummm Jiffy..have you any professional stitching skills..or would you...